Walking Scorer Assignments

Information for Walking Scorer Assigned Volunteers.

Walking Scorer Assignments

Postby chairman » Sat Oct 31, 2020 4:46 pm

The new PGA tournament format of 3-player groupings will keep Walking Scorer staffing reduced for the tournament days; only 14 groups per day. The Pro-Am staff will reflect the number of professional golfers attending plus any "special" invited professional: assuming 44 at this time. Training will take place as normally on the Saturday previous to the tournament week with the time set by our Walking Scorer Manager.

I am sorry to inform everyone that our long-term Manager Bill Jaeger (20 years!!??) has moved to the mainland and will not be attending this year's event. Bill has been the backbone to this event and will be greatly missed in many ways. Fortunately, he has agreed to help put together this years staffing and train our new to be named Manager.

For now, if you have questions - please contact Bill using the information provided below.

Bill Jaeger
Cell: 808-345-1549
Site Admin
Posts: 28
Joined: Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:08 pm

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