Registration Discussion Thread for 2025

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Registration Discussion Thread for 2025

Postby chairman » Tue Nov 02, 2021 3:16 pm

Thank you for considering to volunteer in 2025. Things are much better now than in the years immediately following the pandemic. However, there is still the possibility of changes regarding State of Hawaii, County of Hawaii, and PGA guidelines for our event. Spectators will continue to be allowed for the tournament days. The PGA has had in place for the last 4 years the Mask & Vaccine policy listed below - but it is of course superseded by any state or local guidelines:

Updated PGA TOUR Champions Tournament COVID-19 Mask Policy:

Fully Vaccinated Individuals: Per CDC guidelines, fully vaccinated individuals are not required to wear a mask indoors or outdoors unless otherwise mandated by state or local law or regulations.

Unvaccinated Individuals: Per CDC guidelines, unvaccinated individuals should wear a mask indoors at all times and outdoors when they cannot be socially distant or as otherwise mandated by state or local law or regulations.

Individuals are considered fully vaccinated:
2 weeks after their second dose in a 2-dose series, such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or
2 weeks after a single-dose vaccine, such as Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine
For clarity, the second dose with Pfizer or Moderna or single dose with J&J would be considered Day Zero and fully vaccinated would be considered on Day 15.

In general, our assumed need for staffing this year will be about the same as last year (375), but still significantly smaller that our pre-pandemic normal group size (450-500). A majority of this reduction is due to no longer using Marshals for the Pro-Am; due to no spectators allowed. Please see our other Bulletin Board posting Tournament Staffing Estimates for detailed numbers currently projected.

Most importantly, we do not want anyone to volunteer who feels that they could be exposed to or accepting any risk. We understand that most of our volunteer group is from an age group that is generally at high risk for COVID-19 complications. We will be following all protocols and procedures designated to us by the PGA, the resort, the State of Hawaii, and the County of Hawaii (more to come regarding this later). If you do not feel that you can comply with the guidelines, you should not volunteer and you will not be allowed to participate if you do not follow all guidelines.

In previous years everyone who registered was able to volunteer for the tournament. Like all years since the pandemic, I can no longer guarantee that. As mentioned above, we will need fewer volunteers. However, we have no idea how many people will want to come or will register. We will make every effort to use everyone we can given the constraints we are under. We will choose those volunteers who are registered and have the most experience and the greatest seniority at their positions. Please be patient with us as we go through our process of selecting volunteers. It may be that some of these staffing decisions are not finalized until January or even just before the tournament. It is also possible that those chosen could have their situation change and be forced to cancel - allowing someone else on "Wait Listed" to take their place.

"I would like to volunteer for the first time. Do I have any chance of being chosen?" Yes, certainly the best since the pandemic. But I would have to caution and say that I can not guarantee that everyone registered will be able to participate. Your availability and willingness to participate in most any group will help.

"I'm a long-time volunteer and my team has been eliminated and/or I can no longer perform required duties. However, I would still like to volunteer." Please register and let me know your availability and what you would be interested in for this year. Most long-time volunteers Kris & I know well and have a good feel for their capabilities. We will see where we have needs and contact you to see if you would be interested in helping there.

"I used to Marshal part of the Pro-Am and tournament. Is that possible this year?" No, there will be no Marshal positions for the Pro-Am. We have permanently eliminated Marshals for the Pro-Am; the PGA has decided to not have spectators for the Pro-Am going forward. The number of Marshals needed for the tournament will be somewhat enlarged this year compared to last year PGA requirements (see Tournament Staffing Estimates for detailed numbers needed).
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Posts: 24
Joined: Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:08 pm

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