Frequently Asked Questions - Registration

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Frequently Asked Questions - Registration

Postby chairman » Wed Oct 30, 2013 1:45 pm

Registration - Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why do I have to Register? - The process allows us to confirm your availability, update your most recent information, and let us know what you want to do this coming year. We also need to know if you need a new shirt, what size & style, and have any new physical limitations. Many of our volunteers come back year after year and wonder why they have to submit the same data again and again. I wish we could develop a more user friendly method, but without substantial programming work and spending - it is the best method we can come up with to track all of our volunteers.
  • Cannot find "Click to Submit" button - The problem is probably that you are working on an older Windows XP computer and using Internet Explorer 8 as your browser (best that you can do). If that is correct, you have a problem that affects most web sites and you can't properly clear your cache. You can try pressing the "F5" key (located at the top of your keyboard) when you are on the Registration Page, but that only works for a few set-ups. The easiest solution is to download and use Mozilla "Firefox", a free internet browser that you can find at . Let us know if that does not work - or try to register on another computer.
  • My Smartphone/iPad does not...- The proliferation of mobile and handheld devices in our world today require Apps to be constructed in order to handle forms and data for registration. We have switched to an on-line "cloud" based system which should support cell phones, etc. If you are unable to register using this device, please try to register on a computer or laptop using an up to date (current version) Internet Browser. If you have questions, please email us at
  • Nothing works.. still cannot Register! - Please email us at We will set up a time for a phone registration if all else fails. (For those of you in Canada, or some other non-US location, please give us a heads up - I was shocked at my last phone bill)
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